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#537 - Complex Number Multiplication

Problem Description

A complex number can be represented as a string on the form "real+imaginaryi" where:

  • real is the real part and is an integer in the range [-100, 100].
  • imaginary is the imaginary part and is an integer in the range [-100, 100].
  • i2 == -1.

Given two complex numbers num1 and num2 as strings, return a string of the complex number that represents their multiplications.


 * @param {string} num1
 * @param {string} num2
 * @return {string}
var complexNumberMultiply = function(num1, num2) {
  const [r1, i1] = num1.split('+').map(n => parseInt(n.replace('i', '')));
  const [r2, i2] = num2.split('+').map(n => parseInt(n.replace('i', '')));
  return `${r1 * r2 - i1 * i2}+${r1 * i2 + r2 * i1}i`;