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#1297 - Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring
Problem Description
Given a string s, return the maximum number of ocurrences of any substring under the following rules:
- The number of unique characters in the substring must be less than or equal to maxLetters.
- The substring size must be between minSize and maxSize inclusive.
* @param {string} s
* @param {number} maxLetters
* @param {number} minSize
* @param {number} maxSize
* @return {number}
var maxFreq = function(s, maxLetters, minSize, maxSize) {
const occurrences = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i <= s.length - minSize; i++) {
const string = s.substr(i, minSize);
if (new Set(string.split('')).size <= maxLetters) {
occurrences.set(string, occurrences.has(string) ? occurrences.get(string) + 1 : 1);
return (Array.from(occurrences).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])[0] || [])[1] || 0;