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#2630 - Memoize II
Problem Description
Given a function fn, return a memoized version of that function.
A memoized function is a function that will never be called twice with the same inputs. Instead it will return a cached value.
fn can be any function and there are no constraints on what type of values it accepts. Inputs are considered identical if they are === to each other.
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Function}
function memoize(fn) {
const cache = {};
const idLookup = new Map();
function generateId(item) {
return idLookup.get(item) ?? idLookup.set(item, idLookup.size + 1).get(item);
return (...args) => {
const key ='-');
return !cache.hasOwnProperty(key) ? (cache[key] = fn(...args)) : cache[key];