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#3223 - Minimum Length of String After Operations
Problem Description
You are given a string s.
You can perform the following process on s any number of times:
- Choose an index i in the string such that there is at least one character to the left of index i that is equal to s[i], and at least one character to the right that is also equal to s[i].
- Delete the closest character to the left of index i that is equal to s[i].
- Delete the closest character to the right of index i that is equal to s[i].
Return the minimum length of the final string s that you can achieve.
* @param {string} s
* @return {number}
var minimumLength = function(s) {
if (s.length < 3) return s.length;
const map = new Map();
s.split('').forEach(c => map.set(c, (map.get(c) ?? 0) + 1));
return [].reduce((count, n) => count + (n % 2 ? n % 2 : 2), 0);