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#73 - Set Matrix Zeroes
Problem Description
Given an `m x n` integer `matrix` matrix, if an element is `0`, set its entire row and column to `0`'s, and return the matrix.
You must do it in place.
* @param {number[][]} matrix
* @return {void} Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead.
var setZeroes = function(matrix) {
const columns = new Set();
const rows = new Set();
matrix.forEach((row, i) => {
row.forEach((value, j) => {
if (value === 0) {
[...columns].forEach(i => matrix[i].forEach((_, j) => matrix[i][j] = 0));
matrix.forEach((_, i) => [...rows].forEach(j => matrix[i][j] = 0));
return matrix;